Trademark search
Trademark is a
graphical representation of symbol, letter, color etc. that is helpful to
distinguish one’s service or product from others. Mumbai being the commercial
hub, it is recommended to register your trademark to restrict others from
taking undue advantage of your products and service. Chadha & Chadha offers
registration in Mumbai to find the availability of the requested
trademark, saving you lots of time and expense.
Filling of Trademark Registration Application
You just need to
provide the basic details and they will fill your various registration forms to
make it a hassle free registration process.
Answering all types of queries from trademark examiner
The qualified
attorneys of the firm will revert efficiently to the objections of the
trademark examiner making sure that your trademark is registered without any
Publication of Trademark in journal
The fourth step that
would be undertaken would be to follow up the Logo registration procedure under
the publication of the Logo in the Trademark journal. The Registrar would consider
the mark, as the distinctive Logo after the removal of any objections, if
objections arise then raised the application has to be advertised in Trademark
Trademark Registration Certificate
After making sure
all the procedures are duly completed, Chadha & Chadha IP will receive your
trademark registration service and will handle it to you at our firm premise.